Watch out! A very nice buck just jumped out in front of us before we even get on the trail. It has a nice "spread" as S would say, in beautiful velvet. Next, the bushes crackle and shake as Lovely spots a white bunny. Whew! The heat is a little much, but I think we can keep going. Let's stop first and get a drink.
Look! A box turtle! Isn't it cute? Lovely, quit holding it!
Lovely, I said let it go. I know you don't want it to leave, but it doesn't look too fond of you right now...
One doe and many spiderwebs later, we find a water fountain. Quit splashing! On second thought...Keep splashing! Mama is hot, too! (no call for jokes on that one, please!)
Lovely, is that going right up your nose? And Snugglebug, are you dancing again?
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