Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ahhh..It's Saturday

Breathe a sigh of relief! The weekend has arrived!

I spent the day cleaning at my mom's house for her Easter company preparations. I vacuumed blinds, curtains, under beds, dusted a huge, hateful curio cabinet filled with anything that could possibly get a chip or a broken wing/beak/staff, etc., and there will be more to come. I came home and did day 5 of my 30 Day Challenge, and proceeded to play four games of tennis, all of which the computer won because after all, computer people with a skill level half of mine automatically win, or so it seems.

Wow! Am I cantankerous or what today? Ok, in addition to all of this, I ate at the Mexican joint again, but I have started giving half of my enchilada to my DD2, not that she needs it, but she's always hungry and she apparently expends a lot more energy than yours truly. Tonight, I ate leftover chicken 'n dumplings, sin the dumplings, which somehow got lost in the mix, along with grapes and a Lebanon balogna & cheese sandwich. Quite the mix, eh? After consuming such oddities, I got on Facebook and saw that my cousin has now lost 30 lbs by doing 'bootleg' Weight Watchers (not going to meetings, but following rules) and exercising. Well, here's my attempt at it, although I STINK at measuring (which is why I hate sewing). Why can't I just look at someone thin and lose the weight?


  1. I hear ya! We've got to kick it in gear and support each other. I've got to learn to have serious will power...when eating out to order lean instead of giving into temptation. I'll pray for you and you pray for me!

  2. Unfortunately, I learned how many points ONE cheese enchilada is....grrrr...Now I'm only going to be able to eat half of one!

  3. I could have told you it was bad....cheese ranks pretty high in points. Have you thought about soft chicken taco minus cheese instead or do you not like things like that? Unless you order a taco salad and not eat the fried shell you're pretty much going to blow your points....the beans have lard making them bad or they would be a better choice. But like you said if you eat a small portion it won't be too bad but you'll get hungry again later. Oh the joys of dieting! =S


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!