Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pizza'd Out

Wow...I'm actually pizza'd out, something I never thought could happen. I made another pizza tonight from Whole Foods, but I added some extra seasoning and a little Asiago cheese. It was all right, but I think I'm getting sick of it, which is a good thing, I'm sure.

I got up this morning and burned I don't know how many calories on the next portion of the 30 Day Challenge. It went well and I'm noticing my legs aren't ready to fall off quite so easily by the end of the running sections. Tonight, I did two warm-up exercises on my cardio boxing, the sandbag, and dodging punches. Then, I played three games of tennis and went four rounds in boxing--beating all of my opponents! What a rush! j/k Next, I did some skateboarding on the Wii Active and finally made it all the way through the course! I must be in better shape if I was able to do that! I did a few other unmentionable games on there (I did so poorly at them, I can't mention them), so I'm a little impressed with how much effort I put forth today. Gooo Meee! haha And then I ate pizza...

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