I finally got a better pic of the blanket, hat, and leg warmers I made. I think I got all the patterns from ravelry, but I honestly can't remember anymore! Also, I interpreted the patterns, so none of them came out exactly as the pattern shows. I couldn't figure out the flower for the hat, so I actually designed my own, which was pretty fun.
Next, I'll post a pic of the headband I made :)
Monday, December 30, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Here is our sweet Juliette. She arrived December 12, a little after noon, weighing 8 lbs, 11 oz. She's a tall little girl, too. She looks skinny because she's so long. Pictured above is the blanket I made, along with the hat and leg warmers. She's a squirmy one, so I'll have to post a pic of my creations later.
Life has been good with my youngest. Laeah points and smiles at the baby. I've been tired, but when wasn't I? Lol. I've actually been getting a lot more done (evidenced by my crocheting). Jules doesn't eat as often as she should, so I'm actually working on getting weight up. I'm also enjoying the sweet smell of my newborn :)
Life has been good with my youngest. Laeah points and smiles at the baby. I've been tired, but when wasn't I? Lol. I've actually been getting a lot more done (evidenced by my crocheting). Jules doesn't eat as often as she should, so I'm actually working on getting weight up. I'm also enjoying the sweet smell of my newborn :)
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Diaper Stash

This was my delivery today :) I received it with excitement and apprehension. The diapers are so adorable and I can't wait to see my little ones in them, but at the same time, I'm afraid of how I'll do with all the laundry. I bought a "seconds" BumGenius today online (see--addicted!) because they were $11.75. Brand new: more like $20. I want to see if the pricier diaper is any better (hope not! lol--hope it's just as good as the others!). "Seconds" are diapers that are imperfect, but still functional. So, I now have 9 diapers, 2 expected in the mail, along with the liners, inserts, and wet bag. I want to get a water proof pillow case and use that as a large wet bag as well.
Of course because I'm looking forward to taking it easy next semester and only teaching one class, I was offered another section if they can get the time to fit my schedule. We'll see. I'd love the money, but is it an opportunity or a temptation? Most of my students kept telling me how wonderful I make their classes--so much more fun--and although they dread writing, my classes often became one of their favorites. Yes, kissing up is apparently rampant ;-P But, it doesn't hurt to hear it :D
We had another snow day today, so I didn't get nearly as much done as I'd hoped. I have a little over one day before my new bundle arrives, and I just now washed the carseat. I'm hoping it dries quickly! Happy snow days!
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Baby Blanket

This is my latest project. I haven't crocheted for a while--I had attempted a baby hat for a friend last year, but it just wouldn't work out like I had wanted it!
I'll have to look up the pattern for this blanket later to share. I found it free on Ravelry and chose it because it seemed the easiet. However, I still had to look up the main stitches and interpret some of the abreviations. The first couple rows don't look so great, so I may go back and try to fix those later. I have a real problem with edges, but I think I've gotten the hang of this one now. I chose these colors because they look so Victorian and feminine, things that will likely match my bundle's name. I'd like to make a matching hat and leg warmers, but we'll see how much I can get finished over the course of four days!
Yes, FOUR DAYS! I only have about 7 more shots to take, but I do have to stop at the hospital so they can do my CBC. I was told I can say I don't need the tour and that I've already answered all the questions :D I'm still waiting on the hospital bag I ordered from Kohls to be delivered, so I'm praying it makes it here before we leave.
Shopping...I'm pretty much addicted to online shopping right now. I ordered a lot (compared to what I'm used to buying) over Thanksgiving, which included new phones. S hadn't gotten a new phone in about four years and you could hardly hear him when he called. He needs it for business and it's a tax write-off, so we finally gave in and joined the Smartphone world. I'm a bit overwhelmed, but excited I can use my camera on my phone and post directly to say...Blogger. lol
I also ordered eight more cloth diapers and 10 bamboo inserts, oh, and 100 liners. Once I get settled into the diapering routine with the next one, I'm going to switch Laeah to cloth. Then, at about two months, I'll switch the baby to cloth if things are going all right. I'll only have a total of 10 cloth diapers for a little while, so I'll be doing a lot of laundry, but I plan on buying at least two diapers per month if I'm satisfied. I was just afraid of buying too many of one kind and then discovering I don't like them or they don't fit Laeah's petite frame. So, I'm starting with cheapies--Alva, Kawaii, and Apple Blossom (found on Zulily, so they may be just like Alvas).
Speaking of Laeah. She once again has a double ear infection and a sinus infection. Ughh. She doesn't complain nearly as much as other babies, so for that I'm grateful. I was told if she gets another ear infection soon, though, we'll have to get tubes. She was cute yesterday because she finally said "Mama" to where I could hear her. I told her, "It sounded like you just said Mama." I tell you, it sounded just like she said, "I did." Little stinker.
Hope you're having a lovely holiday. We are blanketed in snow right now and my girls are having fun playing. I haven't stepped outside, however, and Adallae hasn't gotten to play because she's sick :( She enjoys looking at it through the window, though :)
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Venting and Dumping and Just Being an Emotional Pregnant Woman
I'm sure no one wants to listen to my emotional rants (I'm talking to you, my 8 followers!), but I do need to just type right now...just type...so please excuse my less-than-upbeat report.
My last ob appt. showed an over-7 lb baby girl in my tummy, twisting and kicking and pushing and pulling. Let's just say, she's pretty big and I can definitely tell. My c-section date has been set for Dec. 12, so her birthday will be 12/12/13, kinda neat. They of course scheduled me for "c-section teaching and a tour of the hospital" for Monday, which they always tell me includes blood work. However, I'm on to them and I know they can't do the blood work more than 24 hrs in advance--that's what they told me last year. I know where everything is, and they should have everything on file from last year, so i.e., I won't be attending.
In other goings on, I wrote/put together three skits and three poems for Lovely's Thanksgiving Day Luncheon. Let's just say, I won't be doing that again. I spent hours making them. I spent lots of time driving to school and practicing. However, all the promises her teacher made me were broken--I said I would make copies of all the skits for the kids to know when they spoke, but the teacher said she would do it so I wouldn't feel like I was doing everything. I was going to have the kids make hats at home, but the teacher said she would do it in class with them. I was going to have them wear bathrobes for one of the poems and put together a few simple props for them. The teacher agreed. None of this happened. Then, part of my skit was changed because although water was not drunk very often on the Mayflower, we weren't allowed to tell what was, and then the last part of that person's lines was completely taken out, so the end of my skit made no sense. Yay. I did get a thank you note the following day signed by all the students in my daughter's class, so that made me feel a bit better about all the help. I think it's just extra difficult right now, feeling as I do with a belly out to yonder, so I'm extra sensitive about everything.
All of the above, added to my experience with Snugglebug's class (I had signed up for a job for her Thanksgiving Feast that another mother just took over without even acknowledging me, so I then opted to do nothing. Absolutely nothing), has made me very irritated with school. Along with their horrible math program, common core reading standards, interpersonal relationships of 3rd grade, and...well, let's just say I'm seriously investigating other options for next year.
Then, today I woke up and found S, along with our new vehicle, gone. I had asked him last night what he was doing today and he told me he didn't know. Guess he did. Anyway, I had made plans for washing carseats, which I now can't do, and I haven't the slightest ambition or amount of energy to clean the house like it really needs. If I was a stay-at-home wife/mother and didn't work as much as I do extra, then I would totally understand him getting away and not helping out today. However, I do work outside the home and I do take care of all appts, homework, housework, bills, etc. and I just can't take it anymore. Maybe it's the hormones again. I'm just tired and not sure what to do now.
Anyway, there are only 19 days to go. Guess I should pack a hospital bag, if only I could find a bag in this mess of a house :/
My last ob appt. showed an over-7 lb baby girl in my tummy, twisting and kicking and pushing and pulling. Let's just say, she's pretty big and I can definitely tell. My c-section date has been set for Dec. 12, so her birthday will be 12/12/13, kinda neat. They of course scheduled me for "c-section teaching and a tour of the hospital" for Monday, which they always tell me includes blood work. However, I'm on to them and I know they can't do the blood work more than 24 hrs in advance--that's what they told me last year. I know where everything is, and they should have everything on file from last year, so i.e., I won't be attending.
In other goings on, I wrote/put together three skits and three poems for Lovely's Thanksgiving Day Luncheon. Let's just say, I won't be doing that again. I spent hours making them. I spent lots of time driving to school and practicing. However, all the promises her teacher made me were broken--I said I would make copies of all the skits for the kids to know when they spoke, but the teacher said she would do it so I wouldn't feel like I was doing everything. I was going to have the kids make hats at home, but the teacher said she would do it in class with them. I was going to have them wear bathrobes for one of the poems and put together a few simple props for them. The teacher agreed. None of this happened. Then, part of my skit was changed because although water was not drunk very often on the Mayflower, we weren't allowed to tell what was, and then the last part of that person's lines was completely taken out, so the end of my skit made no sense. Yay. I did get a thank you note the following day signed by all the students in my daughter's class, so that made me feel a bit better about all the help. I think it's just extra difficult right now, feeling as I do with a belly out to yonder, so I'm extra sensitive about everything.
All of the above, added to my experience with Snugglebug's class (I had signed up for a job for her Thanksgiving Feast that another mother just took over without even acknowledging me, so I then opted to do nothing. Absolutely nothing), has made me very irritated with school. Along with their horrible math program, common core reading standards, interpersonal relationships of 3rd grade, and...well, let's just say I'm seriously investigating other options for next year.
Then, today I woke up and found S, along with our new vehicle, gone. I had asked him last night what he was doing today and he told me he didn't know. Guess he did. Anyway, I had made plans for washing carseats, which I now can't do, and I haven't the slightest ambition or amount of energy to clean the house like it really needs. If I was a stay-at-home wife/mother and didn't work as much as I do extra, then I would totally understand him getting away and not helping out today. However, I do work outside the home and I do take care of all appts, homework, housework, bills, etc. and I just can't take it anymore. Maybe it's the hormones again. I'm just tired and not sure what to do now.
Anyway, there are only 19 days to go. Guess I should pack a hospital bag, if only I could find a bag in this mess of a house :/
Saturday, November 16, 2013
The Little Things...Add Up Quickly!
Hello! As of three minutes from now, there should be approximately 23 days left of this pregnancy! Yipee! It's not that I don't like being pregnant, it's that, well, I realllly don't like being pregnant! You know how there are those joyful, can't-wait-for-my-belly-to-become-bigger, lovin' every minute of it kind of pregnant ladies? (You know who you are!) Well, I've never, never been one of those. I was sick a lot with Lovely, but still was able to gain about 34 lbs. Snugglebug was mean and painful the entire time in my stomach, and once again, I gained about 34 lbs. Laeah was wonderful--until I developed gestational diabetes and anything bad I even looked at sent my sugar through.the.roof. Also, I could barely eat with her (just never felt I had room), so I only gained 15 lbs. I also had several infections with her. This one...this one has been the kicker. She has been soooo painful (like Snugglebug), yet I'm practically never full--Seriously, I can have the thought, "Man, I am stuffed!" and two minutes later I feel a hunger pang in my stomach. I've had a stuffy nose, headache, back-ache, cough for what seems like months now, and I have gestational diabetes. Let's just say, my body is tired!
In other news, Laeah stands by herself a lot lately. She often will take one step...and then tumbles down to her bum. I've told her she's on a schedule, and it seems she's trying to comply, but it's just not happening as quickly as I would like it to happen. I know she'll be too heavy for me to lift after the baby comes, so I am worried about that.
In even stranger news, I bit the bullet and bought two cloth diapers. What? Yes, I did. I did because I keep seeing the receipts of the disposable pieces of "let's just let all her clothes get wet/stained because we can't handle two hours between changes" diapers. So, we'll see if I can shell out more money once I try these to see how I like them.
In terrific news, we finally found a new (old) vehicle. It was in a state away, so it was a nice, long drive, but it's just what we wanted/needed. My current vehicle seats 7, but not 5 and 2 infant/baby seats. Laeah is extremely small (still only 18 lbs), so she needs to remain backwards for a while yet, and my current car just can't accommodate. We bought a Yukon XL that seats 7 but has captain's chairs, so it has an easy pass-through. I named it Cornelius :D It has a lot of miles, but they have to be all highway because the interior is in such good condition!
Lastly, I went yard shopping today and printed a new Ravelry pattern for a baby blanket. Only one of my students made a blanket for Laeah, so it's up to me to make one for this baby. I've been missing crocheting, so I hope to have a bit more time to work on it.
In other news, Laeah stands by herself a lot lately. She often will take one step...and then tumbles down to her bum. I've told her she's on a schedule, and it seems she's trying to comply, but it's just not happening as quickly as I would like it to happen. I know she'll be too heavy for me to lift after the baby comes, so I am worried about that.
In even stranger news, I bit the bullet and bought two cloth diapers. What? Yes, I did. I did because I keep seeing the receipts of the disposable pieces of "let's just let all her clothes get wet/stained because we can't handle two hours between changes" diapers. So, we'll see if I can shell out more money once I try these to see how I like them.
In terrific news, we finally found a new (old) vehicle. It was in a state away, so it was a nice, long drive, but it's just what we wanted/needed. My current vehicle seats 7, but not 5 and 2 infant/baby seats. Laeah is extremely small (still only 18 lbs), so she needs to remain backwards for a while yet, and my current car just can't accommodate. We bought a Yukon XL that seats 7 but has captain's chairs, so it has an easy pass-through. I named it Cornelius :D It has a lot of miles, but they have to be all highway because the interior is in such good condition!
Lastly, I went yard shopping today and printed a new Ravelry pattern for a baby blanket. Only one of my students made a blanket for Laeah, so it's up to me to make one for this baby. I've been missing crocheting, so I hope to have a bit more time to work on it.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Extremely Clumsy Emotional Train Wreck
Yes, that is me. I've reached the stage where I fall, trip, and run into anything and everything, as well as drop anything that goes near my hands (with the exception of Laeah thus far, thankfully!). I also get easily agitated and then cry over everything. In other words, I'm likely not the most fun at the party right now :P
I'm also moving as slowly as a turtle...or possibly slower. I did move faster than a slug the other night. I walked into our kitchen and suddenly felt something slimy between my toes...Ewww! I screamed, and S said, "Awww. Poor slug; I wouldn't want to be between your toes, either." That actually made me laugh instead of cry, so I guess I'm not too bad yet. I did bawl tonight when I realized S had jumped in the shower I was so looking forward to, and because we haven't replaced our hot water heater, I knew it would be another hour before I could take my shower, so then my hair would be wet for bed, and I have a head cold, and...I better stop before my eyes become misty!
Speaking of kitchens, I tripped last night and almost fell over, but my knuckles caught our dining room chairs. I had managed to keep swelling down this entire pregnancy, and so I was still able to wear my wedding rings...until last night. I hit THAT finger. And it immediately swelled and turned purple. AND I think I jammed my arm some how because I can only raise it thiiiiiis much. Oh, the fun!
Now, as for the new baby. We're still debating middle names. In fact, it was only yesterday that I thought, "Man, I am so glad we named Laeah _______. I REALLY love her name." Yes, mind you, it only took a year. So, who knows when I'll really love the next name. I am a little more calm about not having a space for her. I bought a used crib that was delivered yesterday, so I have that, although I don't have a place to set it up yet. I'm really looking forward to having a bigger home one day in which I don't want to leave it. I may just become a hermit. Eh, I'll save gas that way, right?
Speaking of gas. We've been looking around at other vehicles because smart me bought the biggest car seats available (Ok, they had the best head/neck support, which won me over), and so the next seat for Laeah really doesn't fit in our 7 passenger car. Go figure. I would like a Suburban, but we'd have to get a pretty old one, and I'm afraid of the gas mileage. Therefore, we've broken down and begun looking at minivans. However, if I'm going to be stuck with a minivan, I want a nice one. I've only approved of Honda Odysseys right now, but they're pretty pricey as well. So, we'll see what the Lord has in store for us.
In school news, I believe I'll request the teacher who doesn't require a lot from his students for Lovely, and supplement with my own math program at home. I'm tired of dealing with their math worksheets that never make any sense anyway. So, I'll give it 1-2 more years, and then we'll likely homeschool through middle school and high school. Unless I'm moved to take the girls out of school sooner. Whatever is His perfect will.
Now, I better get off to bed. Laeah will be one year old on Tuesday, and although I'd love to have a party for her, I just don't know how to do it. One grandparent is in the hospital, one is in a wheelchair and rarely leaves home, and one doesn't drive in the dark. Cousins are all a minimum of 10 yrs old or older, and the only close friends I have with children her age live out of state. Wow. It really is good I'm having this next baby, or Laeah would have been all alone. (sigh) G'nite!
I'm also moving as slowly as a turtle...or possibly slower. I did move faster than a slug the other night. I walked into our kitchen and suddenly felt something slimy between my toes...Ewww! I screamed, and S said, "Awww. Poor slug; I wouldn't want to be between your toes, either." That actually made me laugh instead of cry, so I guess I'm not too bad yet. I did bawl tonight when I realized S had jumped in the shower I was so looking forward to, and because we haven't replaced our hot water heater, I knew it would be another hour before I could take my shower, so then my hair would be wet for bed, and I have a head cold, and...I better stop before my eyes become misty!
Speaking of kitchens, I tripped last night and almost fell over, but my knuckles caught our dining room chairs. I had managed to keep swelling down this entire pregnancy, and so I was still able to wear my wedding rings...until last night. I hit THAT finger. And it immediately swelled and turned purple. AND I think I jammed my arm some how because I can only raise it thiiiiiis much. Oh, the fun!
Now, as for the new baby. We're still debating middle names. In fact, it was only yesterday that I thought, "Man, I am so glad we named Laeah _______. I REALLY love her name." Yes, mind you, it only took a year. So, who knows when I'll really love the next name. I am a little more calm about not having a space for her. I bought a used crib that was delivered yesterday, so I have that, although I don't have a place to set it up yet. I'm really looking forward to having a bigger home one day in which I don't want to leave it. I may just become a hermit. Eh, I'll save gas that way, right?
Speaking of gas. We've been looking around at other vehicles because smart me bought the biggest car seats available (Ok, they had the best head/neck support, which won me over), and so the next seat for Laeah really doesn't fit in our 7 passenger car. Go figure. I would like a Suburban, but we'd have to get a pretty old one, and I'm afraid of the gas mileage. Therefore, we've broken down and begun looking at minivans. However, if I'm going to be stuck with a minivan, I want a nice one. I've only approved of Honda Odysseys right now, but they're pretty pricey as well. So, we'll see what the Lord has in store for us.
In school news, I believe I'll request the teacher who doesn't require a lot from his students for Lovely, and supplement with my own math program at home. I'm tired of dealing with their math worksheets that never make any sense anyway. So, I'll give it 1-2 more years, and then we'll likely homeschool through middle school and high school. Unless I'm moved to take the girls out of school sooner. Whatever is His perfect will.
Now, I better get off to bed. Laeah will be one year old on Tuesday, and although I'd love to have a party for her, I just don't know how to do it. One grandparent is in the hospital, one is in a wheelchair and rarely leaves home, and one doesn't drive in the dark. Cousins are all a minimum of 10 yrs old or older, and the only close friends I have with children her age live out of state. Wow. It really is good I'm having this next baby, or Laeah would have been all alone. (sigh) G'nite!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Less Than Six Weeks To Go
Yay! Less than six weeks to go! And then I'll have my hands even fuller than they were previously! I now have a non-stress test weekly, where I sit and click a clicker each time I feel a kick, while they monitor heart rate, including contractions when they begin (so far, I just have a few Braxton in the evenings). I also have an ultrasound every two weeks. Don't get me wrong--I love seeing the little peanut. However, everything just seems so overwhelming lately, and I'm just so tired, I wish I could just go to the hospital and have her already!
I'm also now on insulin. Yay. Insulin. (Do you hear the sarcasm?) I check my sugar four times a day and give myself an injection (gulp! forgot mine tonight--better go do that!) twice a day. She's already weighing over 4 lbs, which is a bit large for now. I gained too much weight last week--I hadn't gained in what seemed like months and then BOOM! Three lbs in one week! Ok, I must cut back on my "snacks"--I do control the amount of my snacks, but for some reason, I'm always hungry this pregnancy! Last pregnancy, I got full with half of a plate of food. Perhaps this little gal will nurse better once born as well.
Now, what have I gotten ready for the baby? Well, she does have a dresser drawer now (not to sleep in or anything :P ) and I bought my first pack of diapers. I'm thinking of going with cloth because I've calculated it out-- I will spend at least $2000 over the next three years on diapers. That's a lot of cash. Plus, I'm not happy with any of the disposable diapers--Laeah leaks through them all, name brand or not. I can just see my mother's face when I explain how she'll need to change cloth diapers.... :/
Speaking of babysitters and work--I was offered two classes for spring--2 hours and 45 minutes apart. What would I do for all that time, with a 5 week old baby waiting for me at my mother's house?! Previously, my classes had almost always been back-to-back. This schedule would even require me picking up the older two from school before getting back to the littles. Not happening. I said I'd teach the first class, but not the second. I think my children are worth the small income sacrifice.
Speaking of the older two--I still haven't decided what to do about school next year. I still don't know that I'm ready to take on homeschooling with Lovely, and yet I feel it coming. This year is more difficult, so she comes home so tired, and then has a lot of homework that she breaks down doing all the time. I thought she was back in the flow of school, but lastnight proved me wrong. And, I don't care for the 4th grade teacher choices. However, Lovely and I butt heads to no end, and she would miss the friends she's made. She doesn't have many homeschool friends, and girls can be so particular (and sometimes mean), that I'm afraid of her making close homeschool friends as well....Otherwise, Snugglebug loves school and can't get enough of it. Go figure.
I'm also now on insulin. Yay. Insulin. (Do you hear the sarcasm?) I check my sugar four times a day and give myself an injection (gulp! forgot mine tonight--better go do that!) twice a day. She's already weighing over 4 lbs, which is a bit large for now. I gained too much weight last week--I hadn't gained in what seemed like months and then BOOM! Three lbs in one week! Ok, I must cut back on my "snacks"--I do control the amount of my snacks, but for some reason, I'm always hungry this pregnancy! Last pregnancy, I got full with half of a plate of food. Perhaps this little gal will nurse better once born as well.
Now, what have I gotten ready for the baby? Well, she does have a dresser drawer now (not to sleep in or anything :P ) and I bought my first pack of diapers. I'm thinking of going with cloth because I've calculated it out-- I will spend at least $2000 over the next three years on diapers. That's a lot of cash. Plus, I'm not happy with any of the disposable diapers--Laeah leaks through them all, name brand or not. I can just see my mother's face when I explain how she'll need to change cloth diapers.... :/
Speaking of babysitters and work--I was offered two classes for spring--2 hours and 45 minutes apart. What would I do for all that time, with a 5 week old baby waiting for me at my mother's house?! Previously, my classes had almost always been back-to-back. This schedule would even require me picking up the older two from school before getting back to the littles. Not happening. I said I'd teach the first class, but not the second. I think my children are worth the small income sacrifice.
Speaking of the older two--I still haven't decided what to do about school next year. I still don't know that I'm ready to take on homeschooling with Lovely, and yet I feel it coming. This year is more difficult, so she comes home so tired, and then has a lot of homework that she breaks down doing all the time. I thought she was back in the flow of school, but lastnight proved me wrong. And, I don't care for the 4th grade teacher choices. However, Lovely and I butt heads to no end, and she would miss the friends she's made. She doesn't have many homeschool friends, and girls can be so particular (and sometimes mean), that I'm afraid of her making close homeschool friends as well....Otherwise, Snugglebug loves school and can't get enough of it. Go figure.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Snugglebug's Fall Party
Here's one of the crafts I created for the kids:

The leaves say "fall." S cut the boards, drilled holes & sanded them. I cut twine and tied them to the holes. Then, I got leaves from the dollar store and cut holes in them. I made mini-sponge letters on popcicle sticks so kids wouldn't be quite so messy while painting. Lastly, I had the kids glue pre-cut (by me) felt pieces, squiggly eyes, and pom-pom noses to create a scarecrow face, and then glued it on top of another leaf, made to look like a collar.
Above is candycorn gourd bowling. Baskets and plastic gourds from the dollar store. I cut & glued the candycorn to mark player positions.
Ring-Around the Scarecrow. I added one more from last year. Scarecrows, rings, and pumpkins from the dollar store. I cut a hole in the pumpkins and filled them with rice to make them sturdy. Bought the real gourds at Meijer.
The leaves say "fall." S cut the boards, drilled holes & sanded them. I cut twine and tied them to the holes. Then, I got leaves from the dollar store and cut holes in them. I made mini-sponge letters on popcicle sticks so kids wouldn't be quite so messy while painting. Lastly, I had the kids glue pre-cut (by me) felt pieces, squiggly eyes, and pom-pom noses to create a scarecrow face, and then glued it on top of another leaf, made to look like a collar.
Above is candycorn gourd bowling. Baskets and plastic gourds from the dollar store. I cut & glued the candycorn to mark player positions.
Ring-Around the Scarecrow. I added one more from last year. Scarecrows, rings, and pumpkins from the dollar store. I cut a hole in the pumpkins and filled them with rice to make them sturdy. Bought the real gourds at Meijer.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Baby Babble
This little stinker is almost 11 months old. This little stinker refuses to say "mama," "mommy," or even "mother."
However, her vocabulary is quite extensive for her age and includes:
Snugglebug (only her real name)
Lovely (only her real name)
Hi, Dad
Bye, Dad
I did it
(yes, she put all three words together and totally creeped out Lovely & me)
Grandma (sounds like aaa-ma)
Personally, I think she's showing a stubborn streak and refuses to say my name on purpose.
She now claps all the time, takes a few wobbly steps toward furniture, throws toys, and stacks two blocks (so long as she can knock them over afterward).
Here is the cover of a small story for Snugglebug's fall craft day. I drew the leaf based on something I saw on the internet, and then the kids were to illustrate each page. Snugglebug's book turned out really cute, so I was happy with craft day. I'll have to post pics of the other crafts I came up with later.
Happy Fall!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Bath Approval
Finally! It only took 10.5 months, but Laeah finally smiled during her last bath in the kitchen sink. She had plenty of toys for the last few baths, but she only now was willing to pick some of them up. Interestingly, she was fine swimming with me in the pool and enjoyed splashing--she just didn't enjoy bathing herself!
However, now that she likes baths, she has become a baby food snob. I was able to talk her into eating some jarred fruit, but she refused the meats/pastas now and will only eat table food. This would normally be fine, but with my gestational diet, it gets tricky. Also, her upper two front teeth look like they will pop through any day now, but I'm not sure when!
As far as pregnancy updates go, I've only gained 7 lbs total, but my sugar was exceptionally high today--150s all day! Actually, I checked one finger--152. I immediately checked my pinky on the opposite hand--308! I freaked out, of course, knowing I would have to cancel class and likely visit the hospital if it was really that high. I then checked the finger next to the pinky and low and behold--154. So my blood may vary by 150 pts, depending on the digit checked. Go figure.
So, there are about 11 wks left until we meet our newest daughter. I still have no idea where her bed will go, nor what her bed will be. We have one crib that converts to a toddler bed, but Laeah is used to it, and I don't want to take it away from her. I can't buy a regular bed b/c Laeah will only be about 16 mos. when the next one is ready to leave our bedroom. Soooo...do I buy another crib for our extremely small bedroom (it's seriously about 9x9), another playpen, or a mini-crib, which will convert to a toddler bed and then a twin bed? I'm leaning toward the last option, although that's probably the most costly at this time, but likely to save money in the long run.
Actually, I'm just a little frustrated. I feel like I spend my whole life seeing everyone else move out of their hovels and into much larger houses, despite many of the wives not working. I work (although not much) and we're still in the same small house we bought as a fixer-upper 10 years ago. I know--be happy with your circumstances. I am thankful for a roof over my head, trust me. I just don't like our moldy windows, peeling paint on the outside, and the dying water heater that lasts for a four-six minute shower only. Ok, I can't say I'm crazy about all the close neighbors, either. But, I will continue to pray that we will be wherever the Lord wants us to be, and that's that. Did I mention we have one bathroom for a soon-to-be family of six, including five girls? I'm a bit nervous about that one! At least my currently broken vacuum is getting fixed; it's very difficult to have a crawler who eats everything she sees on the floor, without a vacuum to clean the carpet! (I spent an hour trying to fix the vacuum on Friday, with no luck.)
Enough rambles...I must go look for crafts/make games for Snugglebug's fall party next week.
However, now that she likes baths, she has become a baby food snob. I was able to talk her into eating some jarred fruit, but she refused the meats/pastas now and will only eat table food. This would normally be fine, but with my gestational diet, it gets tricky. Also, her upper two front teeth look like they will pop through any day now, but I'm not sure when!
As far as pregnancy updates go, I've only gained 7 lbs total, but my sugar was exceptionally high today--150s all day! Actually, I checked one finger--152. I immediately checked my pinky on the opposite hand--308! I freaked out, of course, knowing I would have to cancel class and likely visit the hospital if it was really that high. I then checked the finger next to the pinky and low and behold--154. So my blood may vary by 150 pts, depending on the digit checked. Go figure.
So, there are about 11 wks left until we meet our newest daughter. I still have no idea where her bed will go, nor what her bed will be. We have one crib that converts to a toddler bed, but Laeah is used to it, and I don't want to take it away from her. I can't buy a regular bed b/c Laeah will only be about 16 mos. when the next one is ready to leave our bedroom. Soooo...do I buy another crib for our extremely small bedroom (it's seriously about 9x9), another playpen, or a mini-crib, which will convert to a toddler bed and then a twin bed? I'm leaning toward the last option, although that's probably the most costly at this time, but likely to save money in the long run.
Actually, I'm just a little frustrated. I feel like I spend my whole life seeing everyone else move out of their hovels and into much larger houses, despite many of the wives not working. I work (although not much) and we're still in the same small house we bought as a fixer-upper 10 years ago. I know--be happy with your circumstances. I am thankful for a roof over my head, trust me. I just don't like our moldy windows, peeling paint on the outside, and the dying water heater that lasts for a four-six minute shower only. Ok, I can't say I'm crazy about all the close neighbors, either. But, I will continue to pray that we will be wherever the Lord wants us to be, and that's that. Did I mention we have one bathroom for a soon-to-be family of six, including five girls? I'm a bit nervous about that one! At least my currently broken vacuum is getting fixed; it's very difficult to have a crawler who eats everything she sees on the floor, without a vacuum to clean the carpet! (I spent an hour trying to fix the vacuum on Friday, with no luck.)
Enough rambles...I must go look for crafts/make games for Snugglebug's fall party next week.
Friday, August 30, 2013
School & Such
Last night was Lovely's 3rd Grade Open House. It's amazing--I never once attended an open house when I was in school, but I always go to my children's. Each child had a job to tell the parents about at various stations around the room. I really like the new building the girls moved into; the classrooms are so much larger so we didn't feel squished as we moved about the room. I still know most of the kids in Lovely's class. They added a 2nd 3rd grade to the school this year, but there are still only 5 boys in Lovely's class and 15 girls...whew!
So far, school is a love-hate relationship with Lovely. She loves it and loves her teacher one day, and the next day she tells me she's ready to homeschool again. She is learning a lot, but I can tell she's extremely stressed. She forgets her homework, her planner, her folder, her lunch...anything and everything. I'm hoping it gets easier as the year progresses, but we'll see. I have reservations about 4th grade, so I'm not sure what we'll be doing yet. Her current teacher probably thinks I'm crazy. Lovely came home with a worksheet on fragments & complete sentences that had one question marked wrong: "Put the backpack on the couch." Well, yes, it is a complete sentence (imperative) when looked at individually. However, it was part of a story that involved a child putting a toad in his/her backpack, and there was no one to receive the order, so therefore, it was missing the "I" part of the sentence. Instead of emailing the teacher, I found the answer sheet online, which also said Lovely was wrong. So, as any grammar nut would do, I emailed the worksheet company and explained the situation. I received an email the following day saying they added "I" to the sentence. Mission accomplished. Craziness achieved.
Snugglebug still loves school. She does her school work herself most of the time, which can be problematic since she doesn't always give it to me to check, so I don't know it's there. Thus far, she's still gotten A's on everything.
Meanwhile, I've had one more doctor appt. I haven't gained anymore weight, although as S put it, I definitely have a preggo belly now. I'm still battling blood sugar levels. What's crazy is I can eat things that never messed it up last time, but it goes crazy this time. Then, I can eat a cookie (like last night) and I have the best levels I've had in weeks. Crazy. I have another appt. in two weeks.
Laeah has been smiley as usual. I just wish I knew the recipe of creating this happy baby; she is honestly the happiest baby I have ever seen in my life. She still crawls most places, but stands up everywhere, and I noticed her taking a few extra cruisin' steps today. She gets bored with food easily, so she prefers what we eat as much as possible, which has a bit more variety. She still says Da-Da most of the time, which is irritating to some degree...and she grabs Snugglebug's nose, pulls her face down to her, and gives her a great big kiss. I watch L give Snugglebug 14 kisses last night. Me? One. Ah well, at least I got one!
Oh, school started for me this past week as well. My 131 students are soooo quiet that it's driving me crazy. My 231 students talk and talk and talk...they're pretty awesome thus far. I drop off the girls at school, drop Laeah at my mom's, and head to school at 9 a.m. I leave for home at 12:15 p.m. Who can beat that work day? Especially since it's only two days/week? Speaking of school, I need to create a few more lesson plans...
So far, school is a love-hate relationship with Lovely. She loves it and loves her teacher one day, and the next day she tells me she's ready to homeschool again. She is learning a lot, but I can tell she's extremely stressed. She forgets her homework, her planner, her folder, her lunch...anything and everything. I'm hoping it gets easier as the year progresses, but we'll see. I have reservations about 4th grade, so I'm not sure what we'll be doing yet. Her current teacher probably thinks I'm crazy. Lovely came home with a worksheet on fragments & complete sentences that had one question marked wrong: "Put the backpack on the couch." Well, yes, it is a complete sentence (imperative) when looked at individually. However, it was part of a story that involved a child putting a toad in his/her backpack, and there was no one to receive the order, so therefore, it was missing the "I" part of the sentence. Instead of emailing the teacher, I found the answer sheet online, which also said Lovely was wrong. So, as any grammar nut would do, I emailed the worksheet company and explained the situation. I received an email the following day saying they added "I" to the sentence. Mission accomplished. Craziness achieved.
Snugglebug still loves school. She does her school work herself most of the time, which can be problematic since she doesn't always give it to me to check, so I don't know it's there. Thus far, she's still gotten A's on everything.
Meanwhile, I've had one more doctor appt. I haven't gained anymore weight, although as S put it, I definitely have a preggo belly now. I'm still battling blood sugar levels. What's crazy is I can eat things that never messed it up last time, but it goes crazy this time. Then, I can eat a cookie (like last night) and I have the best levels I've had in weeks. Crazy. I have another appt. in two weeks.
Laeah has been smiley as usual. I just wish I knew the recipe of creating this happy baby; she is honestly the happiest baby I have ever seen in my life. She still crawls most places, but stands up everywhere, and I noticed her taking a few extra cruisin' steps today. She gets bored with food easily, so she prefers what we eat as much as possible, which has a bit more variety. She still says Da-Da most of the time, which is irritating to some degree...and she grabs Snugglebug's nose, pulls her face down to her, and gives her a great big kiss. I watch L give Snugglebug 14 kisses last night. Me? One. Ah well, at least I got one!
Oh, school started for me this past week as well. My 131 students are soooo quiet that it's driving me crazy. My 231 students talk and talk and talk...they're pretty awesome thus far. I drop off the girls at school, drop Laeah at my mom's, and head to school at 9 a.m. I leave for home at 12:15 p.m. Who can beat that work day? Especially since it's only two days/week? Speaking of school, I need to create a few more lesson plans...
Monday, August 19, 2013
Summer Creations
If you have girls, you know how exasperating headbands can be at all times. Constantly falling down, breaking, being stepped on (ouch!)...So, I decided to create a headband holder. I saw one at a friend's house, but it stands, and we just don't have that kind of space. Instead, I attached velcro to the back of the one below and velcroed it to the top bunk. Ta da!

Next, I set out to sew a skirt for Lovely. My sis-in-law is a master seamstress, so she brought her serger over (sp?), and although I set out to do more, I admit, she did most of the work. At least I did a descent job of picking out material, cutting, and sewing the ends of each tier together! Hopefully, we'll be working on Snugglebug's skirt soon.
After the master seamstress left, I felt inspired to create a hair barrett to surprise Lovely, so I gathered some fabric, did a few stitches, and glued it to a barrett. She was very excited!
All I did was:
- Measured the circumference of a headband
- Sewed a tube of fabric, leaving a 1.5" opening for stuffing (I decided on velcro afterwards--I would have attached it at this stage had I realized).
- Gathered the ends and stitched shut
- Added ribbon for decoration (and it holds extra hair do-dads.
Next, I set out to sew a skirt for Lovely. My sis-in-law is a master seamstress, so she brought her serger over (sp?), and although I set out to do more, I admit, she did most of the work. At least I did a descent job of picking out material, cutting, and sewing the ends of each tier together! Hopefully, we'll be working on Snugglebug's skirt soon.
After the master seamstress left, I felt inspired to create a hair barrett to surprise Lovely, so I gathered some fabric, did a few stitches, and glued it to a barrett. She was very excited!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
What a Beautiful Baby
I recently saw a clip about a woman who was told to leave a cafe and only return if she left her children behind--all because they left too big of a mess on the floor. The children were 1 and 3, and I wondered what 1 year old has the pristine manners of a well-groomed adult, even though the restaurant claims to be kid friendly. I seriously doubt their claim.
I admit, I am a restaurant-aholic. I don't enjoy cooking much while pregnant because nothing tastes good to me, and I'm just plain tired. (I made dinner tonight--it was all right.) Anyway, I read another post tonight about restaurants to which you just don't take your kids. Apparently, I defy reason, hauling my brood of three and my bulging belly into restaurants. And yet, I've been complimented several times lately about my well-behaved children. A baby? In a restaurant? I have to say, Laeah is extremely well-behaved (although very talkative in her baby language), but demands the attention of everyone within eyesight, all so she can give them a huge grin. I forgot how many complete strangers will talk to you because you have a smiling baby. Oh, and my portable, table-attaching high chair (that I will never voluntarily dispose of because it's just plain handy and only has my baby germs, no one else's); people always have to comment on how neat the chair is.
Now, on an almost completely different note, Laeah has begun pulling up, standing, and taking tiny, tiny steps around the table. She still gives kisses. She demands attention if you're not giving it to her. Oh, and the kicker. Our conversation the other day:
Me: "Say Mama."
Laeah: "Da-da."
Me: "Say Mama."
Laeah: "Da-da."
Because this is the third time of this happening, and because she's being a little stinker, I'm feeling a bit frustrated. Tonight she yelled "MA!" but that's the closest she comes, the little stinker. Oh, how I love the little stinker :) Did I mention when I put her on the floor, she crawls around and sets all four brakes on the high chair, and then smiles and snorts at me? All because she knows I don't want the brakes on. Well, at least that's my interpretation of it!
In other news, both the older two are loving school, learning, and their teachers. Lovely still shows a high level of anxiety, though, worrying about everything. I think that works havoc on her digestive system, so I guess I'm going to have to look into anxiety relief. For example, she came home the other day and cried because the teacher told them about the IRead test that if they don't pass, they aren't allowed to move on to 4th grade. The thing is, Lovely scored in the 91st percentile for reading on her tests last year, so why the worry? I told her how great that was, but that doesn't calm her. Have I mentioned 3rd graders appear to know everything and their mom's know nothing? lol
Also, I found a message on the answering machine asking that I call the doctor's office. I had my glucose test the Tues. before last, so I have the feeling this relates to it. I hate that test. And now, I have the feeling all sugar will be banished from my life for the next...17 weeks. Ugh. The good news lately? I finally felt kicking on the outside of my belly the night before last :)
I admit, I am a restaurant-aholic. I don't enjoy cooking much while pregnant because nothing tastes good to me, and I'm just plain tired. (I made dinner tonight--it was all right.) Anyway, I read another post tonight about restaurants to which you just don't take your kids. Apparently, I defy reason, hauling my brood of three and my bulging belly into restaurants. And yet, I've been complimented several times lately about my well-behaved children. A baby? In a restaurant? I have to say, Laeah is extremely well-behaved (although very talkative in her baby language), but demands the attention of everyone within eyesight, all so she can give them a huge grin. I forgot how many complete strangers will talk to you because you have a smiling baby. Oh, and my portable, table-attaching high chair (that I will never voluntarily dispose of because it's just plain handy and only has my baby germs, no one else's); people always have to comment on how neat the chair is.
Now, on an almost completely different note, Laeah has begun pulling up, standing, and taking tiny, tiny steps around the table. She still gives kisses. She demands attention if you're not giving it to her. Oh, and the kicker. Our conversation the other day:
Me: "Say Mama."
Laeah: "Da-da."
Me: "Say Mama."
Laeah: "Da-da."
Because this is the third time of this happening, and because she's being a little stinker, I'm feeling a bit frustrated. Tonight she yelled "MA!" but that's the closest she comes, the little stinker. Oh, how I love the little stinker :) Did I mention when I put her on the floor, she crawls around and sets all four brakes on the high chair, and then smiles and snorts at me? All because she knows I don't want the brakes on. Well, at least that's my interpretation of it!
In other news, both the older two are loving school, learning, and their teachers. Lovely still shows a high level of anxiety, though, worrying about everything. I think that works havoc on her digestive system, so I guess I'm going to have to look into anxiety relief. For example, she came home the other day and cried because the teacher told them about the IRead test that if they don't pass, they aren't allowed to move on to 4th grade. The thing is, Lovely scored in the 91st percentile for reading on her tests last year, so why the worry? I told her how great that was, but that doesn't calm her. Have I mentioned 3rd graders appear to know everything and their mom's know nothing? lol
Also, I found a message on the answering machine asking that I call the doctor's office. I had my glucose test the Tues. before last, so I have the feeling this relates to it. I hate that test. And now, I have the feeling all sugar will be banished from my life for the next...17 weeks. Ugh. The good news lately? I finally felt kicking on the outside of my belly the night before last :)
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
"Maybe You'll Finally Get Your Boy."
I can't tell you how many times S and I heard that once someone found out we are expecting our forth child. Countless. Next question: Are you stopping at four, or are you going to have more?
Well, apparently we are not getting "our" boy. Apparently, we don't have one. At least that's what the u/s tech said (well, not in those words exactly...). It looks like this will be another girl, so we will have four of a kind. It's a little disappointing to not be able to have a son, but the Lord's perfect will be done. It does get frustrating when I hear people say they finally got their girl/boy because the Lord gives you the desire of your heart, but we know He knows best. I actually feel a little bad because at the u/s we were told it looks like a girl, and we just stayed quiet. Don't get me wrong--we love this baby no matter what--but I can't say I was really surprised, and this isn't our first go-round, so we just said, "Ok." That was that! Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having four girls, and we aren't missing out on anything we shouldn't be missing out on. My mom told me I have to convince myself that I just am better with girls anyway. The problem with that theory is that I originally thought that, and then I changed my mind and grew to want a boy. However, I will love and cherish my children no matter, so I don't need to convince myself of anything--at least that's my theory :)
Now, on to the name game. We struggled with Laeah's name last time, so who knows how we'll find two more names! I'm leaning toward Juliet Isabella, or Juliet Noel, but S doesn't think the first two go together, and I don't think he likes the other middle name.
Now, as for stopping at four. That is between us and whatever God has planned. No, I'm not setting out to have five children...or six....or become a Dugger. Four is a good number in my mind, but we'll see if God changes my heart.
I have an early glucose test next Tuesday, which I'm not looking forward to, but I know it must be done. I've been trying to eat healthier the last week or so, but I must say, I love hamburgers these days--a little too much! Then, I have another appt. in a month, along with another u/s because once again, the spine and heart weren't very clear--just like with Laeah. I wish they'd just buy a better machine because it's difficult to see anything on it clearly! I thought I saw something else in the u/s, but then the tech pointed out the three lines for a girl...you'd think after 17 or so u/s, I'd be able to make out the body parts better! Actually, I can--it's the machine, I tell ya!
Well, apparently we are not getting "our" boy. Apparently, we don't have one. At least that's what the u/s tech said (well, not in those words exactly...). It looks like this will be another girl, so we will have four of a kind. It's a little disappointing to not be able to have a son, but the Lord's perfect will be done. It does get frustrating when I hear people say they finally got their girl/boy because the Lord gives you the desire of your heart, but we know He knows best. I actually feel a little bad because at the u/s we were told it looks like a girl, and we just stayed quiet. Don't get me wrong--we love this baby no matter what--but I can't say I was really surprised, and this isn't our first go-round, so we just said, "Ok." That was that! Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having four girls, and we aren't missing out on anything we shouldn't be missing out on. My mom told me I have to convince myself that I just am better with girls anyway. The problem with that theory is that I originally thought that, and then I changed my mind and grew to want a boy. However, I will love and cherish my children no matter, so I don't need to convince myself of anything--at least that's my theory :)
Now, on to the name game. We struggled with Laeah's name last time, so who knows how we'll find two more names! I'm leaning toward Juliet Isabella, or Juliet Noel, but S doesn't think the first two go together, and I don't think he likes the other middle name
Now, as for stopping at four. That is between us and whatever God has planned. No, I'm not setting out to have five children...or six....or become a Dugger. Four is a good number in my mind, but we'll see if God changes my heart.
I have an early glucose test next Tuesday, which I'm not looking forward to, but I know it must be done. I've been trying to eat healthier the last week or so, but I must say, I love hamburgers these days--a little too much! Then, I have another appt. in a month, along with another u/s because once again, the spine and heart weren't very clear--just like with Laeah. I wish they'd just buy a better machine because it's difficult to see anything on it clearly! I thought I saw something else in the u/s, but then the tech pointed out the three lines for a girl...you'd think after 17 or so u/s, I'd be able to make out the body parts better! Actually, I can--it's the machine, I tell ya!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Ultrasound on Monday!
I found a message from the doctor's office this morning stating they couldn't do the u/s on Tues as planned, so I called and was told they had an opening on Monday instead. It's in the afternoon, which I'm not a fan of, but the girls won't be in school quite yet, so I can deal. Pray this little bean is perfectly healthy and isn't stubborn like Laeah was (i.e. no hands in the way). I've been feeling a lot of flutters and each time I think, "Oh yeah. That was probably the baby." Is it weird that I keep forgetting I'm pregnant?
Sunday, July 21, 2013
8 Mos Pics and Sewing
I was hoping for a nice green background, but Laeah doesn't seem to like the outdoors very much, unless she's being held. (Yes, I'm slightly changing the way I spell her nickname.)

Have I mentioned she's learned to spit? So, her clothing might not be from milk, or a diaper, but just because she got a kick out of spitting for a few minutes. Can't wait until she does that in church! Ah, but she did do much better in church this morning; she lasted 1.5 hours without me needing to take her to the nursery. Yeah!
My newest project: An elephant for Laeah

I used Simplicity pattern 2613 with some adjustments. My elephant is two-toned, with cordoroy on the front, unlike the ones in the pattern. I also added plastic on the inside to give some crinkle-noise. The eyes were a bit tricky, as the pattern suggested safety eyes. After searching Hancocks, Michael's, and Ben Franklin, I've decided safety eyes must be ordered online. Instead, I carefully sewed felt eyes to the animal with the knowledge that I will just keep my eye on Laeah while she plays with it--like I usually do. I can't see the eyes coming off, though.
Let me just scream at all past sewing teachers now: "WHY! didn't you start me out on a stuffed animal instead of a dress, or a skirt, or an apron?!!" Stuffed animals are sooooo much easier. Yes, I made mistakes, but I was able to fix them pretty quickly. Snugglebug is requesting an elephant as well, so that's on my list, too.
Have I mentioned she's learned to spit? So, her clothing might not be from milk, or a diaper, but just because she got a kick out of spitting for a few minutes. Can't wait until she does that in church! Ah, but she did do much better in church this morning; she lasted 1.5 hours without me needing to take her to the nursery. Yeah!
My newest project: An elephant for Laeah
I used Simplicity pattern 2613 with some adjustments. My elephant is two-toned, with cordoroy on the front, unlike the ones in the pattern. I also added plastic on the inside to give some crinkle-noise. The eyes were a bit tricky, as the pattern suggested safety eyes. After searching Hancocks, Michael's, and Ben Franklin, I've decided safety eyes must be ordered online. Instead, I carefully sewed felt eyes to the animal with the knowledge that I will just keep my eye on Laeah while she plays with it--like I usually do. I can't see the eyes coming off, though.
Let me just scream at all past sewing teachers now: "WHY! didn't you start me out on a stuffed animal instead of a dress, or a skirt, or an apron?!!" Stuffed animals are sooooo much easier. Yes, I made mistakes, but I was able to fix them pretty quickly. Snugglebug is requesting an elephant as well, so that's on my list, too.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Catching Up...
I keep taking notes in my head for all of Laea's updates that I need to make...I'm sure I've lost a few of those notes by now! It seems everytime I turn around, she's learned something new:
According to the office scale (when fully dressed and after lunch), I've gained 4 lbs total. I think it will be less at my next appt. At least I hope it is. Blood pressure was good, heartbeat was strong. I have an u/s scheduled for July 30, so we'll see if this one tells us what s/he is :)
I have had more energy lately. I'm deep cleaning each room in our house, although I've had to break some rooms down even further than room-by-room. I'm also going to attempt to sew some stuffed animals this weekend, I hope. I've looked at two different stores for safety eyes, but I can't find them anywhere. I'm hoping to design some felt eyes myself and just sew them on really well since these will be infant toys. Wish me luck!
- She crawls using her knees and elbows. Not sure why. However, it is effective--she gets into anything and everything and doesn't mind venturing out of her room and on her own.
- She said "hi" to my mom the other day. Probably a freak accident, but it was extremely clear and appropriately used.
- She gives me lots of kisses (ok, open-mouthed slobber kisses) in the morning when I get her up.
- She drinks 4-5 bottles per day, 1 jar of food at lunch and 1 at dinner, cereal for breakfast, bananas, puffs, and rice rusks in between, and...Popsicles. Her daddy fed her popsicles and now she whines everytime she sees them.
- She squeals, growls, and overall makes a ton of noise--especially in church and hospitals (her grandpa has been in the hospital the last few weeks).
- She waved good-bye to me today when I left for the doctor. I sniffed a little.
According to the office scale (when fully dressed and after lunch), I've gained 4 lbs total. I think it will be less at my next appt. At least I hope it is. Blood pressure was good, heartbeat was strong. I have an u/s scheduled for July 30, so we'll see if this one tells us what s/he is :)
I have had more energy lately. I'm deep cleaning each room in our house, although I've had to break some rooms down even further than room-by-room. I'm also going to attempt to sew some stuffed animals this weekend, I hope. I've looked at two different stores for safety eyes, but I can't find them anywhere. I'm hoping to design some felt eyes myself and just sew them on really well since these will be infant toys. Wish me luck!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Barely Keeping Up
I thought I had so much more energy than I had a couple months ago, but it just never seems to be enough! I was told being pregnant in your 30s is much different than in your 20s, and I had agreed--I liked it better last time around, until the gestational diabetes thing. This time--I'm just exhausted no matter what! I get what seems like nothing done around the house because Laea is a mommy's girl and likes to sit with me...and she's too cute to deny her anything!
I finally finished unpacking from our vacation last week. However, if looks as if I've simply taken a pile from the living room and placed it in the bedroom, bathroom, etc. I've spent today clearing the living room and steam-washing the floor while Lovely dusted most of it for me. We've washed dishes and emptied the dishwasher, and I've paid bills. I also read with Snugglebug and hunted out more books for Lovely because she's required to read 3 chapter books off of a certain list for school--a list for 3rd-5th grade, with no distinction between grade levels. I'm a bit irked at that, considering she's only going into 3rd grade!
Laea is full-out crawling now, and getting into trouble! We've caught her pulling herself up several times now, so I'm going to have to remove any mobiles from the crib and most likely lower the mattress shortly. She keeps growing out of everything and is now 18 lbs according to our scale. I have nothing to do with the clothes yet because I don't know if the new bean is a boy or girl, although I hope to find out shortly and then go through the clothes.
Anyway, those are all my accomplishments for the day. I have an urge to bake, and yet I know I shouldn't be eating sweets right now. I bought material and a few patterns over the holiday that I hope to begin tomorrow--yikes! Measuring is definitely not my strong point! I also have several projects around the house that I'd like to get started. I have this overwhelming urge to move, yet we have a bizillion projects (no, that is not hyperbole) to accomplish first. I'd like to put the house up for sale next spring/summer (or yesterday), but the Lord's will be done. One bathroom with three little girls will be challenging to say the least, but the main reason I want to move is to find peace. My street is mostly quiet, but there are some loud cars that have recently moved into the neighborhood, I'm not thrilled with all my neighbors, and honestly, I don't want my children playing with most of the kids in the neighborhood. I want land--green land--and space. So, please pray for our peace!
I finally finished unpacking from our vacation last week. However, if looks as if I've simply taken a pile from the living room and placed it in the bedroom, bathroom, etc. I've spent today clearing the living room and steam-washing the floor while Lovely dusted most of it for me. We've washed dishes and emptied the dishwasher, and I've paid bills. I also read with Snugglebug and hunted out more books for Lovely because she's required to read 3 chapter books off of a certain list for school--a list for 3rd-5th grade, with no distinction between grade levels. I'm a bit irked at that, considering she's only going into 3rd grade!
Laea is full-out crawling now, and getting into trouble! We've caught her pulling herself up several times now, so I'm going to have to remove any mobiles from the crib and most likely lower the mattress shortly. She keeps growing out of everything and is now 18 lbs according to our scale. I have nothing to do with the clothes yet because I don't know if the new bean is a boy or girl, although I hope to find out shortly and then go through the clothes.
Anyway, those are all my accomplishments for the day. I have an urge to bake, and yet I know I shouldn't be eating sweets right now. I bought material and a few patterns over the holiday that I hope to begin tomorrow--yikes! Measuring is definitely not my strong point! I also have several projects around the house that I'd like to get started. I have this overwhelming urge to move, yet we have a bizillion projects (no, that is not hyperbole) to accomplish first. I'd like to put the house up for sale next spring/summer (or yesterday), but the Lord's will be done. One bathroom with three little girls will be challenging to say the least, but the main reason I want to move is to find peace. My street is mostly quiet, but there are some loud cars that have recently moved into the neighborhood, I'm not thrilled with all my neighbors, and honestly, I don't want my children playing with most of the kids in the neighborhood. I want land--green land--and space. So, please pray for our peace!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
A Weddin' in the Country
My nephew's a married old man now. Guess that makes me an old aunt, right?

Snugglebug was one of the two flowergirls in the wedding. She said it was "amazing" and "awesome" and she liked everything about it.
Snugglebug was one of the two flowergirls in the wedding. She said it was "amazing" and "awesome" and she liked everything about it.
Short Visit to Gettysburg
Last week, we took a short trip to Pennsylvania for my nephew's wedding. While there, we drove a little ways to see the new military museum. It included a short film and a viewing of the cyclorama--a dramatic representation (how could it be anything but dramatic?) of the Battle of Gettysburg that surrounds an entire, circular room. Lovely said she felt like crying a few times at the museum:

This was after Laea's long and trying first night of sleep away from home. Forgetful mommy (did I mention braincells die during pregnancy and two pregnancies in a row equal a double whammy?) forgot the pad that goes in the bottom of the pack and play, so she refused to sleep, accept in the twin bed I was sleeping in. She woke up frequently (every hour or so) and hovered over my face to ensure I was still there. Thankfully, my sister brought the pad with her since she left after us and Laea slept through the night the rest of the trip.

I had to take a pic of this, given my work with the sublime (journal article). Death and destruction= sublime? Kinda fits my project.

Overall, Laea did extremely well on the trip. She cried for about 30-40 minutes on the 9.5 hr drive. She finally started sleeping when she could in her carseat, and she slept from 8, 9, or 10 (whenever we got home) until 8 or 9 in the morning. I love this girl! Trust me, after Miss Snugglebug's sleeping habits as a baby, Laea is truly appreciated!
This was after Laea's long and trying first night of sleep away from home. Forgetful mommy (did I mention braincells die during pregnancy and two pregnancies in a row equal a double whammy?) forgot the pad that goes in the bottom of the pack and play, so she refused to sleep, accept in the twin bed I was sleeping in. She woke up frequently (every hour or so) and hovered over my face to ensure I was still there. Thankfully, my sister brought the pad with her since she left after us and Laea slept through the night the rest of the trip.
I had to take a pic of this, given my work with the sublime (journal article). Death and destruction= sublime? Kinda fits my project.
Overall, Laea did extremely well on the trip. She cried for about 30-40 minutes on the 9.5 hr drive. She finally started sleeping when she could in her carseat, and she slept from 8, 9, or 10 (whenever we got home) until 8 or 9 in the morning. I love this girl! Trust me, after Miss Snugglebug's sleeping habits as a baby, Laea is truly appreciated!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Jeff Fest and Father's Day
We stood in line forever so Lovely & Snugglebug could get a "bunny face." The pictures don't do it justice:
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